"After a tragic car accident" says the synopsis, but it couldn't be more wrong. Doctor Strange is all around great and enjoyable film and I highly suggest you see it in theaters.

It adds a different level and style to this film that not may other Marvel Films have.Doctor Strange is less heavy on the comic relief then usual but that is a nice change if you ask me. Seeing the magical spells being cast and used in battle is an interesting change compared to Avengers and Civil War. The Action and visual effects is where this movie shines. The story is able to carry you through the movie without slowing down. The story is interesting, It does a good job at explaining who strange is before he became who is his. It loves to use the kaleidoscope/mirroring effect found in the original comic books, It's great they stay true to the comics and have it pay off so well. It's visuals are in it's own league in the Marvel series. It loves to use the kaleidoscope/mirroring effect found in the original comic books, It's great they Doctor Strange sets itself far apart from other Marvel films right off the start. … Expandĭoctor Strange sets itself far apart from other Marvel films right off the start.

I hope that the sequel will be even more grandiose. I still like this film and want it to do well. There is a lot of story and a lot of ideas and sometimes they feel quite rushed without much time to have everything properly resolved. Benedict Cumberbatch and Rachel McAdam’s chemistry is quite strong and Tilda Swinton really does justice to the character of The Ancient One. The good of this film however is how it beautifully integrates into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, again building to Infinity Wars with another Infinity Stone (time stone) being found. This guy isn’t even that prominent in the comics and in the film becomes another World dominated villain-of-the-week, not to mention he is always followed by his troop of beautiful and silent back-up-dancer thugs whose main job is to die one by one. In this case it was Mads Mikkelsen’s Kaecilius. The first film in a new series always seems to always have a throw away villain. The main drawback is again we have a villain that has no character development. However, there are some incredible drawbacks that cause the movie to suffer. Strange manages to break away from some of the usual Marvel movie clichés and brings us on a yoga-studio-70s-acid trip adventure in mysticism and martial arts. How do we solve a problem like Doctor Strange? Here’s the deal, Dr. This review contains spoilers, click expand to view.