On the left side of his workshop there is a bookshelf. When you are past the rocks blocking your path, you will see a Mithril crate.

What wheels interchange with jeep grand cherokee.Lego lotr it won't be that easy with you.Lego bricks aren't just for children-they're enjoyed and adored by everyone. Below I have listed everything that you must do to get this achievement. Does anyone have a solution? Lego lotr it won't be that. Unfortunately it looks like there will be no more LEGO LotR construction sets, while there is still so much left to explore. Kill the guy up there and legolas will jump onto the head of the Oliphaunt. By the time I'd reached the second playthrough I was finding LEGO LOTR to be far more enjoyable. Ironically, it's more than a little Minecraft, a game after Lego's own heart. There is a lot to do before you reach 100% completion on the game.